HSMR 2019: the gallery and challenge!
The Hamlyn Symposium
- World-leading medical, research, industry & academic experts
- Leaders’ Forum on technology application in clinical practice
The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics (HSMR) provides an annual forum for surgeons and engineers from across the globe, to network and explore the latest developments in medical robotics.
The Symposium attracted over 500 delegates last year and now it ints 12th year, it has become a leading international conference on medical robotics, current clinical practice and emerging technologies in robotic surgery. One of our highlights this year will be a Clinical Leaders’ Forum, in which leading robotic surgeons in different fields of expertise, will come together to discuss the ways in which technologies can best be applied in clinical practice.
Towards Robotic Autonomy in Surgery
Dexterity and perception capabilities of surgical robots may soon be enhanced by cognitive functions that can support surgeons in decision making and performance monitoring, and enhance surgical quality.
The Workshop is Co-Chairs and Organisers by Paolo Fiorini, Riccardo Muradore and Francesco Setti from the University of Verona, Italy.
Sponsored by: University of Verona and accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Our partners presented the SARAS project and its progresses reached till now, we’d like to thank the Urologist Alessandro Larcher from URI – Urological Research Institute at IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, the project coordinator Riccardo Muradore and Francesco Setti, Alicia Casals from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – UPC , Federica Ferraguti from Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Gernot Fronreif from ACMIT and Stephan Nowatschin from Meedineering GmbH .
The Surgical Robot Challenge
The Surgical Robot Challenge 2019 is an annual international competition with the aim of showcasing the latest innovative & technological advancements in surgical robotics.

Photos of the 2019 Surgical Robot Challenge
The winner will be soon announced!