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One fundamental requirement for autonomy is advanced perception capability through vision sensors.
In this article, we propose a novel calibration technique for a surgical scenario with a da Vinci® Research Kit (dVRK) robot. Camera and robotic arms calibration are necessary to precise position and emulate expert surgeons. The novel calibration technique is tailored for RGB-D cameras.
We implemented the MULTIROBOTS-SURGERY platform as a collection of ROS* nodes. All the ROS nodes are connected to a central unit acting as ROS core, in charge of providing a common timestamp and driving the communication between nodes, and data recording module.
The figure shows the conceptual architecture of MULTIROBOTS-SURGERY platform in terms of ROS nodes.
*ROS is an open source, distributed, component-based development framework that has become the standard de facto for interfacing heterogeneous hardware and software in robotics applications.
Read MoreThe robot motion planning is generally solved before the robot actually executes the desired motions and in case of motions that must avoid obstacles, this approach may work with static obstacles only.
The SARAS Workshop “NEXT GENERATION INTELLIGENT SURGICAL SYSTEMS: Computer simulation meets robotics”, addressed to researchers representing SARAS’ two major fields of application: robotics and surgery, summarize the results of the project and presents the achievements obtained, including demonstrations, with the main objective of raising awareness of the project’s results (MS7).