CRAS 2020 Barcelona

The 10th Edition of the Conference on New Technologies for Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery (CRAS)

CRAS 2020 is the 10th edition of this successful event, formerly labeled as a workshop, from this 10th edition onwards CRAS has graduated and will continue to move forward as a`conference’.

Surgical robotics is a key factor for the introduction of new surgical procedures not feasible otherwise, as well as for improving current procedures by providing new assistive tools that allow achieving more precision and higher surgical performances.

Robotics breaks into the Operating Room in an effective way in the XXI century and its progress, although still slow, has already reached a figure of 10.000 operation robots in hospitals worldwide. This year’s edition, coinciding with the CRAS 10th anniversary, will evidence an explosion of new surgical robots and other devices in different specialties, which, until now, were produced by very few manufacturers. This market expansion will break with the otherwise slow progress and will favor reaching a wider range of clinical centers.

In this edition communications are expected on advances in the following fields: virtual and augmented reality techniques applied to training, planning and assisted guidance; new techniques to introduce effective haptic feedback; new devices, technologies and procedures for less invasive surgery and to facilitate the execution of complex surgical tasks; and artificial intelligence for planning, guidance and autonomous operations.


Deadline for extended abstracts: 30 June 2020

Notification of acceptance: 31 July 2020

Deadline for submission of revised abstracts 14 September 2020

For information and application visit the official web site of CRAS 2020

Topics of Submission

Extended abstracts (2 pages) discussing new technologies for computer/robot assisted surgery are solicited. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

– Machine learning and cognitive surgical robotics
– Registration, segmentation, modelling and data mining
– Synergies and clustering
– Motion compensation and active guidance
– Human-robot collaboration and shared control
– Workflow analysis and episode segmentation
– Surgical skill assessment
– Usability and user-acceptance
– Robotics in medical diagnosis
– Robotic systems in orthopedics
– Rehabilitation and assistive technologies

– Surgical training
– Tactile and haptic feedback
– Novel robotic hardware and sensors
– Variable stiffness robotic systems
– Interventional catheters
– Novel instruments and interfaces
– Standardization and regulation
– System integration
– Safety and dependability
– Robotics in Radiology
– Visionary works and roadmaps

ICACR 2020

2020 – International Conference on Automation, Control and Robots (ICACR)

ICACR 2020 is the4th International Conference on Automation, Control and Robots held in Fully Virtual style during October 11 – 13, 2020.



Keynote lecture: Autonomy and cooperation in surgical robotics application related issues

Speaker: Alícia Casals Gelpí

Professor of the Automatic Control Department at Technical University of Catalonia.
Head of the Robotics and Vision Division of the Biomedical Engineering Research Centre (CREB).
Associate researcher of the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia.


ICACR 2020 Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-7281-9207-9)
Online in IEEE Xplore

For information and application visit the official web site of ICACR 2020

The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2019)


Icra 2019The flagship conference of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, ICRA will bring together the world’s top researchers and most important companies to share ideas and advances in our field.  Many of the most important developments in robotics and automation have historically been first exposed at ICRA, and 2019 will take this trend one step further. As the practical and socio-economic impact of our field continues to expand, the role of industry-centered activities has grown and will be a critical aspect of the meeting.


Find more details on the EVENT page





Next Generation Surgery: Seamless integration of Robotics, Machine Learning and Knowledge Representation within the operating rooms


  • Motivating medical case studies
  • Robotics – control and planning
  • Perception, knowledge representation for reasoning and AI
  • Industry

Read all details about the Workshop


Our Partners submitted two papers:

  • “An Energy-Shared Two-Layer Approach for Multi-Master-Multi-Slave Bilateral Teleoperation Systems” – Authors: Marco Minelli, Federica Ferraguti, Nicola Piccinelli, Riccardo Muradore, Cristian Secchi
  • “Tele-Echography Using a Two-Layer Teleoperation Algorithm with Energy Scaling” – Authors: Enrico Sartori, Carlo Tadiello, Cristian Secchi, Riccardo Muradore



Marco Minelli won the SECOND PRIZE on the “Best for the Papers for Poster Presentation” titled “Energy-shared Two-layer Bilateral Teleoperation Architecture“.

The prize is offered by Auris Health


The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE – IECON 2018

IECON is the flagship annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), focusing on industrial and manufacturing theory and applications of controls, communications, instrumentation, electronics, and computational intelligence.

This year’s IECON is brings a selection of over 1,000 papers, a record-breaking number of papers and attendees of all IECON conferences held in U.S. Papers were topically accepted through 15 technical tracks and 60 special sessions.

A plethora of activities include keynotes, tutorials, panels, and number of one or several day activities.


Riccardo Muradore from the Deptartment of Computer Science of the University of Verona (Italy) presented the Paper “An energy saving approach to active object recognition and localization” during the session: SS01 – Oral Session: Machine Vision, Control, And Navigation

Authors: Andrea Roberti, Riccardo Muradore, Paolo Fiorini, Marco Cristani, Francesco Setti


The full program here


SIC 2018 – Primo Convegno delle Società Chirurgiche della Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria Sicilia.

Diana Trojaniello

Head of bioengineering Research, Center for advanced technology in health and wellbeing

Eng. D. Trojaniello is presenting new perspectives in robotic surgery: the SARAS project.


SARAS goal is to develop the next-generation of surgical robotic systems that will allow a single surgeon to execute Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery without the need of an expert assistant surgeon.

The robot will be called solo-surgery system and will consist of a pair of cooperating and autonomous robotic arms holding surgical instruments. The SARAS system will entirely take over the role of the assistant surgeon.