Saras Project official site
The 1st SARAS’ Project Meeting held at UPC at Barcelona in Spain on the 25th and 26th September it was an occasion of networking and sharing.
On the 1st day the Consortium had the opportunity to discuss about the status of the project, simplified medical proceduces, phantoms development, action and speech recognition and quality management.
On the day two partners presented SARAS’ master console and the slave robot for the assistant surgeon, the SARAS teleoperating architecture, multi-robot navigation, human-robot interaction and force estimation.
On January 16 to 17 2018, the SARAS project was officially launched with the Kick off meeting organized in Milan, in the Ospedale San Raffaele.
This two-day event started with the partners’ presentations and description of their role in the project; in the afternoon work packages leaders presented tasks and deliverables of year 1; day one ended with the presentation of the coordinator of the Action plan for year 1.
On day two the Consortium presented Data management plan, Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plans, appointed Boards’ people and discussed about Financial aspects.
During these two days, the partners managed to kick off the project and with great enthusiasm and a strong sense of commitment they shaped and further developed the project strategy for the coming years.