European Robotics Forum 2019 (ERF2019)


ERF2019Over 900 European robotics top experts attended the 10th edition of the European Robotics Forum, the most influential meeting of the robotics community in Europe, was held in Bucharest, Romania, in March 2019,

ERF2019 hosted a major exhibition where companies, universities and research institutes showcased the most advanced European prototypes, products, services and projects funded under EU’s Horizon 2020 research programme. With over 50 workshops highlighting the newest robotics research, the event offered Romanian companies and universities a unique window to the latest developments on the European markets.


This year’s theme was “Robotics for Humanity, AI for the real world”.


SARAS Project presentation:

21st March  – Room Braila – 8.30-10.00 – University of Verona (@UNIVR) / Riccardo Muradore presented “Machine Intelligence for Automation within Operating Rooms”


European Robotic Forum 2018




The European Robotics Forum (ERF2018), the most influential meeting of the robotics community in Europe, will be held in Tampere, Finland, on 13-15 March 2018.

Over 800 European robotics top experts are expected to attend the conference. Under the theme “Robots and Us”, ERF2018 covers current societal and technical themes related to the field of robotics. Interesting subjects will be discussed, including human-robot-collaboration and how robotics can improve industrial productivity and service sector operations.

Researchers, engineers, managers, and a growing number of entrepreneurs, business people, and public funding officers from all over Europe come together to discuss technology push and market pull and how innovation in robotics can be accelerated.


ERF2018 features an exhibition, where companies, universities and research institutes showcase the most advanced European prototypes, products, projects and services.

ERF2018 is not another scientific conference but the one event where roboticists from over 40 countries can network, during the social events as well. After its start in San Sebastian in 2010, The European Robotics Forum has become quickly the most popular and influential robotics networking event in Europe.


Conference Materials:

SarasPresentationCoverProjects presentations at the Workshop on Networking for new trends in surgical robotics

Speaker: Riccardo Muradore, University of Verona, Italy






SARAS Kick off meeting


On January  16 to 17 2018, the SARAS project was officially launched with the Kick off meeting organized in Milan, in the Ospedale San Raffaele.

This two-day event started with the partners’ presentations and description of their role in the project; in the afternoon work packages leaders presented tasks and deliverables of year 1; day one ended with the presentation of the coordinator of the Action plan for year 1.

On day two the Consortium presented Data management plan, Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plans, appointed Boards’ people and discussed about Financial aspects.


During these two days, the partners managed to kick off the project and with great enthusiasm and a strong sense of commitment they shaped and further developed the project strategy for the coming years.


