Summer School on Control of Surgical Robots (COSUR) 2018

2nd Biannual Summer School on Control of Surgical Robots
(COSUR) 2018
The main objective of COSUR 2018 is to introduce PhD students and Post-Doctoral fellows to the multidisciplinary research field of surgical robotics, with particular focus on the control algorithms used in robotic surgery and the impact of cognition in directing the control.
We will offer lectures, hands-on laboratory experience, and opportunity for informal interaction with clinicians and leading experts from academia and industry.
The school will go beyond the current approach of doctoral schools and will give trainees an in depth understanding of cognition and control in robotic surgery.
The main themes faced during the school include:
- Control and Sensing in robotic surgery
- Teleoperation and Haptics
- Image-guided robotic surgery and interventions
- Human-Robot Interaction and Cooperation
- Partially autonomous tasks in robotic surgery
Besides the technical aspects, the lecturers of the school will present the medical context in which robotic surgery is being used and the research perspective given by relevant projects.
The school will include tutorial presentations on the technical topics, medical scenarios presented by clinicians, research perspectives given by the coordinators of recently funded projects, and laboratory sessions that will let students apply the concepts introduced during the lectures.
The school will end with a team project, which will be evaluated by the school lecturers. Students will receive a certificate of attendance, to obtain credits in their universities.
Organised by Altair Robotics Lab, in collaboration with the ERC project ARS (Autonomous Robotic Surgery) and the European project SARAS (Smart Autonomous Robotic Assistant Surgeon).
The school is funded by the ARS project, the SARAS projects, the MURAB project, the Doctoral Program in Natural Sciences and Engineering and the Department of Computer Science of the University of Verona.