The 12th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR 2019)

The 12th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR 2019) will be organized on October 24-25, 2019, by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and will take place at the Hotel Posta, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

The growing need to automate daily tasks, combined with new robot technologies, is driving the development of human-friendly robots, i.e., safe and dependable machines, operating in the close vicinity to humans or directly interacting with them in a wide range of domains. The technological shift from classical industrial robots, which are safely kept away from humans in cages, to robots that are used in close collaboration with humans, is facing major challenges that need to be overcome.

The organizing committee is composed by Federica Ferraguti and Valeria Villani (General Chairs) and Lorenzo Sabattini (Program Chair) from the ARSControl research group of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and Marcello Bonfè (Publicity Chair) from the University of Ferrara. The objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers so to share knowledge on all aspects related to human-robot interaction and the introduction of robots into everyday life.


The objective of the workshop is to stimulate a focused single-track discussion and bring together researchers so to share knowledge on design, control, safety and ethical issues, concerning the introduction of robots into everyday life.


Find more details on the EVENT page


Watch the Video presentation:

The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2019)


Icra 2019The flagship conference of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, ICRA will bring together the world’s top researchers and most important companies to share ideas and advances in our field.  Many of the most important developments in robotics and automation have historically been first exposed at ICRA, and 2019 will take this trend one step further. As the practical and socio-economic impact of our field continues to expand, the role of industry-centered activities has grown and will be a critical aspect of the meeting.


Find more details on the EVENT page





Next Generation Surgery: Seamless integration of Robotics, Machine Learning and Knowledge Representation within the operating rooms


  • Motivating medical case studies
  • Robotics – control and planning
  • Perception, knowledge representation for reasoning and AI
  • Industry

Read all details about the Workshop


Our Partners submitted two papers:

  • “An Energy-Shared Two-Layer Approach for Multi-Master-Multi-Slave Bilateral Teleoperation Systems” – Authors: Marco Minelli, Federica Ferraguti, Nicola Piccinelli, Riccardo Muradore, Cristian Secchi
  • “Tele-Echography Using a Two-Layer Teleoperation Algorithm with Energy Scaling” – Authors: Enrico Sartori, Carlo Tadiello, Cristian Secchi, Riccardo Muradore



Marco Minelli won the SECOND PRIZE on the “Best for the Papers for Poster Presentation” titled “Energy-shared Two-layer Bilateral Teleoperation Architecture“.

The prize is offered by Auris Health


The 9th Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted (CRAS 2019)


CRAS2019In March 21st and 22nd surgeons and engineers will meet in Genoa to exchange experiences, ideas and discuss the future of surgical technologies. For the first time, the National Congress of the Italian Polispecialistic Society of Young Surgeons (SPIGC) will be completely merged with the Joint Workshop on Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery (CRAS) in a large event dedicated to ENCOURAGE YOUNG SURGEONS AND ENGINEERS.

One event, two conferences – merged together!

CRAS+SPIGC 2019 will be a UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY for multi-cultural interactions, for identifying surgical needs and potential engineering solutions, and for the establishment of new multi-disciplinary collaborations. In addition, all research teams working on novel surgical technologies will have the opportunity to demonstrate their prototypes during the conference and enter the New Surgical Technologies Competition.


New surgical technologies demonstrations and competition

Research teams working on novel surgical technologies will have the opportunity to demonstrate their prototypes during the conference and enter the New Surgical Technologies Competition. The surgeon delegates will vote and decide the winner!


Read all details on the official event website.